
Finally the aesthetic part of my project is done! I'm of course sad that the song where left out but i put in some audio clip of me and Daniel reading the text from the short novel and put on some effects i garageband and I'm very pleased of what i made of it. I'm also very proud of what did to help others in their pictures and movies. I'm very happy to be in a helpful class like this where we help each other out!

Peace out!


I'm almost finnished on the edeting on the photos. starting on sammhällskunskapen now

on my way to sucess

Hello everybody!

Thoday i shot Beatrice and Alex in the studio and i am very pleased with the pictures!

”Han hade just ringt, han var arg, han hatar när hon dricker. Hon tänker tillbaka på alla de andra gångerna hon inte gjort som han ville. Hon hade kvar blåmärkena på revbenen sen sist.”

here is a sneek peak

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